RPG Horror Stories: Heckna Brings Back the 80’s Horror

By |2024-10-15T18:26:10+00:00May 2nd, 2023|Categories: Heckna, Role Playing Games|Tags: |1 Comment

RPG horror stories introduce a place in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Or an isolated camp in a desolate wilderness. Or a carnival in another plane of existence. In all cases, it’s dark, foreboding, and filled with danger tinged with excitement. Heckna is a carnival that has come to town by taking you through a portal to the Revelia. A carnival run by Heckna himself.

RPG Horror Stories of Heckna himselfHeckna is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game (RPG) Campaign Setting.

Heckna is set in a dark, cold forested environment where The Revelia exists. The RPG game utilizes the Dungeon & Dragons 5e Rule System and is like most RPG horror stories. Also, it’s a twisted carnival where Heckna is the ringmaster. Heckna is a creative and sinister mastermind. His carnival is there to serve his wicked sense of humor. Although individuals find themselves in Revelia for a variety of reasons, they must play in Heckna’s “fun” or suffer his wraith. More often than not, his wraith means their death. The only way to survive the Revelia is to play and win. Or, you can join him as a Reveler for life.

Designed for 1-6 players and a dungeon master (DM), the game allows players to take on the role of travelers. The players, for one reason or another, have caught the eye of Heckna. He has “marked” them to play with as a cat does a mouse. Once marked, Heckna “arranges” for their transportation to Revelia.

The Ringmaster’s Challenge

Like other RPG horror stories, Heckna enjoys a challenge and lures those he seems worthy to his court. He thrives on pitting travelers against absurd, mind-boggling, and horror-filled challenges. The players can submit to Heckna, joining him as one of the Revelers, or discover a way to escape. If they choose to escape, Heckna begins his torment. A horror RPG game that blends elements of classic carnivals, folktales, and urban legends. All in a horror-filled comedy adventure.

RPG Horror Stories of more killer clownsFor Heckna, Think Willy Wonka, Killer Clowns from Outer Space, and RPG Horror Stories

Heckna is a D&D RPG horror campaign set in the realm of Revelia. The story combines 80’s horror cult dark fantasies with entertaining, campy adventures. Designed like the 80s, it’s for players ages 13 and up. This is due to dark and gritty atmospheres, graphic violence, and memorable villains. Plus, most of all, dirty jokes. The DM can adjust the tone and atmosphere of the game can, but they should warn the players. Plus, as the DM, you will need to do the editing.

The language of Revelia

One of the more fun aspects of Heckna is the language of Revelia. It’s well-detailed and thought-out. The sourcebook contains definitions of the language. Charts show to replace words within the narratives. In essence, to speak as if you were one of the inhabitants of the Revelia. A carnie personified. Plus, if a player becomes corrupted, they will have to change their speech. Little by little at first, as the corruption progresses. Until they are speaking as a Revelia as well.

Built on D&D 5e’s system

Built on D&D 5e’s system, the RPG horror game Heckna is easy to pick up and play. Although, it still offers challenging gameplay. These challenges take the form of new mechanics, creatures, and items.

  • First up, the Cosmic Jester. A new option is available when the Warlock chooses an “Otherworldy Patron” at 1st level. Choosing this option means you have fallen in with one of Heckna’s tricksters, either by being tricked yourself or choosing one. The tricker could be Heckna himself. New spells are available as well as a bonus cantrip.
  • The second challenge is a special magic item. A Dormant Superschnozling. Allows you to quickly corrupt a target. Corrupted creatures are immediately transformed into loyal servants of Heckna while retaining their skills and ability.
  • The third terror, the Clown Corruption. A slow transformation into a loyal servant of Heckna. There are a series of 6 phases the players go through.
    • First, you get a red noise. A disadvantage to charisma checks
    • Second you get the giggle fits. Any social situation requires you to make a Wisdom check or break out laughing. Sugar cravings. Descend into a frenzy, lashing out violently at those around you.
    • Third, you are one of them. Your hair changes color and your facial expressions become exonerated.
    • Fourth, you get a disturbing aura. Your voice begins to change.
    • Finally, you get total corruption. You are now one of Hekna’s Revelers.

And a host of NPCs, creatures, spells, and equipment. Like all rpg horror stories, it’s supersized into a monstrously, terror-filled game wrapped in a carnival-filled adventure.

What are some DM and player tips for RPG Horror Stories?

Like all rpg horror stories, take tips into consideration when playing.

  • First, be creative. Heckna is a game that encourages creativity. Don’t be afraid to come up with your own ideas and solutions to problems.
  • Second, be campy. Introduce tongue-in-cheek humor with those fabulous 1 liners.
  • Third, be “Over-the-top”. In your performance, push your characters. You are a circus ringmaster after all.
  • Finally, incorporate pop culture. Quote your favorite people and movies, maybe with a bit of a twist.

And some tips for the player characters

What are their characters:

  • First, decide the motivations. Why are they in the Revelia and what are they hoping to achieve?
  • Second, create a backstory. What happened to them before they came to Revelia and what are they running from?
  • Third, understand the relationship with the other characters in the party. Are they friends, foes, or something in between?
  • Finally, what is the knowledge of the Revelia itself? Do they fear Heckna, love the Revelia, or loathe them both?

Dungeon & Dragons and RPG Horror Stories

Heckna 5e is a campaign setting for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) that is set in a whimsical, dark carnival. The Revelia is a dark and twisted place. Characters will encounter a host of disturbing and horrific creatures. Designed as a horror campaign, it features elements that are different from traditional D&D settings. But it is also a campy, pulp-style campaign that will entertain as much as terrifying.

Overall, Heckna 5e is a unique and exciting campaign setting that offers a new and different take on the traditional D&D experience. One that takes RPG horror stories and mixes in suspense, humor, and a bit of the 80s. Heckna definitely is the perfect setting for your next RPG game night.

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  1. G May 26, 2023 at 12:07 am

    No thanks

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